Physical Guarding Services

Browse through our comprehensive services to your security needs.

Security Guards

The following amongst others will form the core functions of our guards at clients’ premises;

  • To ensure that only authorised persons and / property owners enter the protected premises. We recognised that access control would include commissionaire service supported by official documentation like visitors/contractors’ books and vehicle log check sheets amongst others.
  • To monitor and record details of traffic (including drivers, passengers, time and purpose of visit).
  • To ensure that only goods, items, equipment or other transit elements leave or enter with proper official clearance at head offices, operating sites and official residential places.
  • Authenticate the accuracy of all deliveries and dispatches accordingly.
  • To secure assets including buildings, motor vehicles, machinery and equipment.
  • To patrol and monitor activities on the premises for detection of any anomalies.
  • To ensure the existence of a peaceful atmosphere conducive to conduct business.

Reaction Team

VELYSCIN security has put in place a 24 hour reaction set up that will respond to emergencies as well as ensure continuity of coverage. Additionally, all our managers and supervisors are accessible on mobile phones 24 hours a day for support.

Guard Dogs

VS Security has a fully established Dog Handling and Training Division that is responsible for the breeding, training and caring of different breeds of guard dogs. The division is also responsible for the imparting of dog handling skills to prospective dog handlers in line with the international standards.

Cash in Transit

Secure and Reliable

Insurance for our Services

VS Security Company is insured for Professional Indemnity insurance through ALLIED INSURANCE COMPANY. The Company is also insured for Cash- In- Transit (CIT) and Public Indemnity Insurance.

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Why work with us?

We are Reliable

You can count on us to give you top notch service and our response rate is exceptionally high.


We are like any other professional business, we deal professionally with every party.


We are certified in everything that we do, we’re ISO certified, see here.

Some of our clients are saying….

This serves to confirm that VS Security is rendering security services to Telone. During the period they have been rendering the service we have not had problems and we therefore recommend them for engagement to anyone seeking similar services.

Mr Makuchete

Loss Control and Forensic Services Manager, Telone